Archive for October 5th, 2009

MAMMA CaDIGI0595 FIBROID TUMORFIBROID TUMORHere are some cases that I thought might be interesting from my Anatomical pathology Laboratory. The fiirst case was a dermatology case found in the body of young man 34 years old by coincident while doing an FNAB on his left lump in his neck. After pulling out his T-shirt,  I saw a feature of ‘itchy skin’ all over his chest. The lesion seemed to  look like blisters but not transparent or cystous on palpation. They look like scars or hard blisters, with very itchy and burning sensation according to the patient. I could not recognize what  disease or symptom was that. I need help from dermatologist colleague…

The second  case were the fibroid tumors of  a woman 42 years old with multiple lumps on her subserous womb. This case interesting for me, due to all the three tumors were almost the same in diameter and shape. In other words uniformity in diameters and shape.. Those were really true, if you look at the picture.

The third case was an uncommon location of a Malignant mammary cancer , which showed an ulcer far enough from the nipple, as if the ulcer was not belong to the mammary tissue. The patient was a woman of 46 years of age. Most malignant mammary cancer usually resides behind the nipple, around the areola mammae and the most popular sites is the area of the breast tissue  that we used to call Upper Lateral Quadrant (ULQ) of the breast.  You will understand more,  by watching  the picture.

Popularity: unranked

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  • About

    Dr. Sukma Merati, DSPADr. Sukma Merati is founder and owner of Riau Pathology Center in Pekanbaru, Riau. Dr. Merati has had various international experience and training, including as a fellow doctor at The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, NY, USA (2000-2002). More >

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