DUGEMCancer of the uterine cervix until now is the leading cancer among women in the third world and developing countries, inclusive Indonesia.

Most of the type of this deadly cancer is Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC), and after that adenocarcinoma or adenosquamous carcinoma and other rare types.

Lately experts have found a new vaccine that could protect women from this lethal disease. The vaccine was made against human papilloma virus (HPV) infection, that we believe is the number one cause of SCC.

In order to get full protections against HPV, women should take three times vaccination which will be injected. This vaccination costs you about 1 million Indonesian money (IDR) for each time you are vaccinated. Thus three times will cost 3 million IDR.

With that high cost, not every woman could afford, especially the lower economic society. While uterine cervical cancer prone to be majority in that class of people.

High risk are : prostitutes, multiple sexual partners, smoking, low socio-economic status and low educated women.

Popularity: unranked

Posted Wednesday, March 12th, 2008 at 8:54 pm
Filed Under Category: Cancer, Popular Health
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2 Responses to “Multiple Sexual Partners : high risk for Uterine cervical Cancer. There’s a vaccine to minimize it.”

  1. 2
    Dr. Sukma Says:

    Halo Inge,

    Penjelasan dokter tsb. benar adanya. Namun kita tidak tahu, apakah para suami loyal secara sexual hanya kepada istrinya saja ataukah suka ‘jajan’ diluar. Untuk antisipasi hal-hal seperti inilah wanita perlu divaksinasi HPV, agar dijamin aman. Sebab seringkali kita dengar dan baca ibu-ibu RT yang innocent setia dan tidak pernah melakukan sex kecuali dengan suaminya sendiri bisa terkena HIV-AIDS.

    Mengingat harganya yang masih mahal, maka pemberian vaksin HPV diutamakan pada mereka yang ‘high risk’, seperti PSK. Wanita lain juga boleh dan dianjurkan umur berapapun ASALKAN bisa membeli vaksin HPV (yang masih mahal per satu kali injeksi) tiga kali berturut-turut semuanya dalam jangka waktu 6(enam) bulan. Tentu saja sebelum divaksinasi, wanita tsb harus diperiksa dulu titer IgM dan IgG HPV didalam serumnya.

  2. 1
    inge Says:

    Dok, apakah vaksin ini bermanfaat bagi semua umur dan yang hanya berhubungan dengan 1 orang saja? Saya bertanya begini, karena seorang dokter pernah mengatakan pada saya bahwa vaksin ini hanya diperlukan bagi mereka yang masih belia dan yang suka berganti-ganti pasangan saja, jadi vaksin ini tidak diperlukan bagi mereka yang telah berusia 50an dan hanya berhubungan dengan pasangan hidupnya saja.

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    Dr. Sukma Merati, DSPADr. Sukma Merati is founder and owner of Riau Pathology Center in Pekanbaru, Riau. Dr. Merati has had various international experience and training, including as a fellow doctor at The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, NY, USA (2000-2002). More >

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